Times in your life have you been fooled. I bet you have been fooled many times in your life. I'm not here to fool you though. I'm here to tell you the truth. The truth is that I can't tell you the truth. It's impossible to tell the truth. So why don't we just conjure up something better than the truth. Many writers have foreseen a future Worse than the present moment. I'm not that kind of a writer, I want to see a future better than the present. This future will be very swell, There will be instant transportation no need to go on a car anymore. In a sense we already have this with the internet, but physically we cannot move and for reals we can’t take our mind to another place with the internet. Or can we? In this future of mine we gain ability to move physically and mentally using the internet we can literally fit through the fiber optics that go around the planet. But there’s a price for this. It's big business an...
FINNISH YOUTUBER TRUTH DETECTIVE WRITES A BLOG https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvScAzn0GB_QyRCPnKt_Z6g/