If we go back in time to the startup days of this new Solana company i can say that it felt like a completely hopeless endeavor, and nobody believed that there was any sense in this new renewable energy technology, let alone that we could accomplish to manufacture these solar panels and make them affordable.
We also had a lot of competition and segregation and diversity in the marketplace for these kind of renewable energy solutions. I didn't believe it myself those days that we would succeed but I had been in the Sun a couple of times, actually quite a lot of times and I knew that the Sun was a technology in itself and we just had to learn to connect to that technology.
Let's jump forward a couple of years to a Warehouse where Solana panels were ready for shipping to the customers. I wasn't usually involved in this type of a low-level work inside of the company, but I was inspecting the new solana warehouse and I noticed one large cardboard package box containing a solana panel on the steel warehouse shelves going all the way up to the roof. And the box was a different color than all the other cardboard boxes. I looked at the code that was attached to the box with a sticker o1PMSUdzD4XYGnhxQFEsTkxKYnrLMYowHgZFD4hdQte
I went to look for a warehouse worker and pointed out the mismatching color of the box.
“Why is that box different color than the rest?” I asked the warehouse worker.
“Oh that one, that's a special edition”, the warehouse worker answered.
“So we have special editions now?” I asked.
“Oh yeah we do, Your the CEO you should know about these things”, the worker said.
“So what's so special about it?” I ask
“It glows in the dark of course” the warehouse worker said. I was getting a bit amused at this so I had to get this Solana panel out of it’s box and look at what our Engineers had come up with, without me being even conscious of it. We went with the worker to the special edition box and took it off the metal shelve. At this point i also noticed that there was also a QR code sticker on the side of that box
I commanded the lights of the warehouse to be turned off so I could see how this special edition glow in the dark Solana panel would work.
The lights were turned off after a brief moment and low and behold the solar panel actually glowed in the dark, but I still couldn't understand what was the point of all this. And after the lights were back on I noticed that the worker that I had just been talking about this special edition Solana panel was wearing a UFO shirt and he finally revealed the reason for this inane products existance.
“We made it glow in the dark so to signal to the UFOs that we are here” the Warehouse worker said.
“Oh that explains everything”, I say “UFOs of course..” now the reason for this product to exist made COMPLETE SENSE TO ME “well go on with your day then, but I won't believe that those UFOs are interested in our solar technology at all”, I say.
It turns out I was also wrong about that.
Sometimes the name that your parents give you will be your curse for the rest of your life.
Thanks for reading this Truth Detective story Stay tuned and follow this blog for the next one.