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I'm tired of this planet. We have to devise way to get out of here. And we have to device this way fast. I want to leave this planet FAST. And that's just the problem with the modern world. Everything is becoming so fast. Your internet connection is getting faster the pizza arrives faster when you order it online and the cars are getting faster and everything you have to accomplish faster and faster than in the past.

But are we really making progress by Increasing speed in everything that we do?
I feel that we are actually not making much progress or we might be actually regressing.

Let's slow everything down now to 50% The train you are in is going 50% slower than couple of moments ago. Do you notice the hair of that women sitting beside you? Isn't she beautiful? How you notice that she is breathing kind of slow. And then a bullet hits the subway window from the outside. She ducks to take cover and you go out of your body to fly between the skyscrapers to find where the muscle flash came from.

You turn around the corner swiftly and see a reflection through one of the skyscraper windows and you can discern a silhouette of a man holding a sniper rifle. You fly inside of the skyscraper and bust through the window in your spirit body and disarm the sniper rifle out of the hands of the assassin. Then dividing yourself up you battle and fight Knuckles and teeth with the sniper while starting a conversation with the lady that almost got shot through the subway carts window.

“Why are they trying to kill you?” I asked her.

“It's related to stellar plan”, she says and grabs out a notebook. 

“The Stellar plan what's that?”, I ask while the other half of me punches in the teeth of the sniper and blood spurts on the walls of the skyscraper hotel room.

“It's related to the nuclear energy act”, She tells me and pulls out of the notebook and at that moment I see a long string of numbers in the back of her neck kind of like a barcode : GD2YKM6ZGPHVWD2DXD4H7BXORPRCPD2DMJAS4MJH7SMBPBKUHMMFSJKC

My other self half has just pushed the sniper that tried to assassinate the lady to the balcony of the hotel room and tries to strong arm him off the balcony railing. He grabs the man from the other leg and Yanks him off the balcony and the man starts to fall towards the ground level where hundreds of yellow taxi cabs are driving around at high speed. But before he can hit the ground level the assasins body opens up wings from his back and flies high speed straight for the subway that I see only faintly in the horizon line where my other half and the lady is now having a conversation over the reason why she almost got assassinated.

She pulls out the notebook without noticing the approaching figure outside the subway window in the clear light sky against faint greyish clouds. On the cover  of her notebook it reads MEMO ID: 19823 She opens up the notebook and shows some blueprint type of drawings related to the nuclear reactor. Then the man the Assassin flies with his wings and busts through the subway cart door.

I call back my other self half from the balcony of the Skyscraper Hotel to fight this assassin in the Subway cart. First punch lands me in spleen  and then the assassin Yanks out a knife out of his boot and swings it at me. I grab the pistol from my  underarm holster while I see from the corner of my eye the stellar operations lady fiddling around with something In her purse.

I shoot couple of rounds at the Assassin and he lifts his arm In front of himself and blocks the bullets with some kind of energy field. Then the stellar lady behind me throws something at the man and there's a Huge flash of white light  and then I can see only a black outline of the assasin man in the Subway that then he Disintegrates into Just a pile of black ash on the floor of the subway cart.

“Okay what... was that?” I asked the Stellar lady after the flash of light has quieted down.

“It's stellar operations technology, Designed specifically against these “agents”. She says and I conclude that she can probably take care of herself in the future.

“Those agents they must really hate nuclear power then”, I say laughingly

“For sure they do”, she says on and grabs a high power energy pistol from her purse. “ But there might be more of them, we have to get safely to the next station”

“You sure are quite something”, I said to her while the train speeds on to the next stop in the subway system.

Stay tuned For the next exciting writing Adventure by Truth Detective here in this blog.


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