Mies kloonasi itsensä ja lähetti robotin töihin.
Robotti saapui työpäivän päätteeksi takaisin miehen kotiin naispuolinen kollega mukanaan.
Kauhukseen nainen tajusi että miehen asunnossa odotti myös AITO JA ALKUPERÄINEN robotin keksijä.
Kolmikko päätyi rakastelemaan tästä huolimatta.
Nyt on töihin sulla hoppu.
-Totuus Etsivä
PS: Pomo sai myös lopulta myös tietää että oli maksanut TEKOÄLY ROBOTILLE PALKKAA KUIN IHMISELLE!
Do you know about John Dillinger? He was a bank robber in the 1920s a style man with the way and a gang that could even break out of Prisons. But why am I telling you about this man? it's all related to the Buddhist idea of right livelihood, and John dillinger most certainly didn't have a right livelihood. He even broke the basic rule of not stealing. And in the modern times many people have that thought that you shouldn't take without giving something back even if what you give back is worse than money. And this is what contributes to the idea of honesty in the modern times. But the fact is that even though John Dillinger even murdered some police officers he might still have caused Less trouble than some “honest” modern-day business entrepreneurs & companies. I have a vision for a fictional character that is a bank robber. The motives of this bank robber are very different from John Dillinger though. This bank robber characte...