Bluecollar life
Just cut & Dry
Bluecollar life
Cut & Dry
We have to leave those time’s
Cut the Cord
Take control of our life
Truth Detective Rhyme
We have leave those time’s behind
Truth Detective Rhyme
Bunch of Important Guys
Talking about the bullshit of modern time’s
Color Coding
You so goddamn high you would not know your underwear from the daycare
At this point
Life more like a nightmare
In the shower you fear of the cold
Fine Print and Bold
The Rulebook Type of Bullshit sold
Bluecollar life
Just cut & Dry
Bluecollar life
Cut & Dry
Standing on the table
Love has no limits
Not here to water it down
It’s execution expo time
Take your kid with you
Leave that life behind on the info desk
And head for the high rise
Deal Making type of bullshit
Bluecollar life
Just cut & Dry
Bluecollar life
Not any color left in the rhyme
BlueCollar life
So goddamn grey
And this pay
Just enough to keep you coming back
I could Quit smoking anyday
That kind of bullshit on top of it getting fat
Not even Welcome it reads on the door mat
Have to transform myself into a super hero fly like a bat
The shit about to hit the corporate fan
Not even Welcome it reads on the door mat
Truth Detective From Finland
This is
Bluecollar life
Just cut & Dry
Bluecollar life
Cut & Dry
Feed the kids and try not to piss of the wife
Blue Collar Life
Rent an apartment where you can screw your secretary behind the back of your wife
Bluecollar Life
Spend your life working and still leaving morgage behind
Blue collar Life
Trying to get the kids into college still they spend their life taking drugs and playing video games all night
Blue collar life
Just cut and & Dry
Bluecollar Life
Cut & Dry
We have to leave those time’s
Cut the Cord
Take control of our life
Truth Detective Rhyme
We have leave those time’s behind
Truth Detective Rhyme
Bunch of Important Guys
Talking about the bullshit of modern time’s
Color Coding
You so goddamn high you would not know your underwear from the daycare
At this point
Life more like a nightmare
In the shower you fear of the cold
Fine Print and Bold
The Rulebook Type of Bullshit sold