The rains had come
The middle age’s
And the turning page’s
Of all that was known to man
This one still a mystery
To the hidden hand
Left on the forgotten sands
Some ship had wrecked
And it was the time
For the sunshine
Meaning from the horizon it came
Ascending up to it’s comfortable place
What was indeed
This thing that he’d seen
In the hull of the ship
A skeleton of a ghost
It wrote with ink
On the closet of bone’s
Now losing itself on your touch
You might have not deemed it much
But still the pendant hanging around
The neck of the man in his life proud
To the ways of his own land
Nobody could quite him understand
But hey
That’s the way with most
On this island
Left his charred charcoaled bones
Looking for a better host
Now for his soul
To reside
Because in the pirate age he lived
It was too uncivilized