ACCESS the internet in THE AGE OF ANCIENT ROME in your SLEEP.
The alley was sand and dry
There was walking a man with the cane
In his life
From the middle spreading of the age
Really it was just some ink on the page
And the night it was late
Some stars in the sky
You can imagine that i’m too lazy to describe
To Describe
And he had hired a scribe
With a very powerful and imaginitive mind
And able to gather information from the deep
With the scribe it was like he accesing
The internet in the age of ancient rome in his sleep
All bells and whistles were now gone
Just some black and white text
How far have we gone
From those time’s of the first printing press
To this age of anime waifus and continous stress
In that era if you wanted to find yourself
There were the philosophers you could consult
But beware if you insult
Or anger the gods from high
There’s so many of them you won’t got a chance in fight
So the man moved in the covers of the night
Not a light or a torch
He could have time travelled to your front porch
And if the porcelain was broken when the earthquakes came
Back in them days
They didn’t even have clue about such things as video games
Now he knocked the door of the emperor
And yes indeed this man of great stature and power
Lived just like anyone else on elm’s street
”Asking for alm’s again?” the emperor amused when opening the door
”NO! I’ve got something that has to be released” The man with the cane laid his wares on the ground
This bracelet can even save you in the thunderstorms and clouds
Forget how anyone else forged it the past
This piece of jewellery
The emperor had to ask
What is it made out of?
And he said of copper,bone and silk
The emperor exchanged the amulet the bracelet to a gallon of goat’s milk