This train
Board you to hell
Does that ring any bell?
The levels of it like stairs
These are nightmares
You can no longer wake up from
How to save yourself
And your hopeless soul
This is the mystery of afterlife
The time for you to see is now ripe
The devil of this world
Surrounding you and taking hold of much of human kind
It has double reason for wanting to rot away your mind
First to make you a slave here on planet earth
Second to make you afraid of transcending up from the herds
And there’s a third reason too
Because in the afterlife if he loses the reign over you
You might actually see that the devil
Was no never powerful at all
Not powerful at all
So in this moment now
Ponder really deep the nature of evil and where it plants it’s seed
In the mind first then the body follows after
Soon you have turned from a good man into a real bastard
You might deem that using a bit of mustard here
Or drinking a bit of poison there
Will not have an effect
But the devil got it’s ways
To make holes in your astral
And make you weak to the incoming 5g signal
Think your spiritual destiny a new today
Maybe riches money and fame
Will not make you win in the bigger game
Small games and big games folded into each other
Like an origami if you divide it up
You just find another
Body to inhabit to posess with the bullshit not of your own
And that’s how you ended up as just a clone
It can still be changed though
Not everything was lost
And more was gained when i let go of my smartphone
The senses came back anew
The hole’s between the reality
I started to be conscious of the room
Not the content made by some other hand
Because indeed the devil had infiltrated into everything
We deemed sacred in this land
It was the war over your mind
Your soul and your spirit inside
And here the solution was not to fight
Those who would fight
They would lose
Only when they realized
That fighting was for fools
They could hit the winner stride
And gain themselves all the right tools
So what you choose
It might contain some of bad
And some of good
How it comes into contact
With everything around you
That’s when it’s seeming worth
Is determined into brutish mind
We take that same stuff into a better environment
And we see a whole new value system
Grow up inside