Freestyling to everyone all the time.
Going to record that lyric on a new mic.
Talking to everyone and pushing, asking questions getting to know.
Not finding a studio, place to practice or anyone in the game.
It's a rare skill, so we should be applying some strategy to get them to know the name.
Get young people inspired to rap too.
We don’t want them get mixed in drugs.
That’s no good.
Also met a real fucked up dude.
From GERMANY he was good in RHYMING but couldn’t rap for shit.
Tried to make some of my own beats but they were bullshit.
Writing so much stuff but nothing feeling like a hit.
So what i’m doing until i get that new mic
Is taking this shit to the streets
And trying to find some inspiration
But all i find is weed
And people without anything to say indeed
Silenced up the souls
They just playing bullshit role’s
One is a cop the other one a thief
I guess i’m different
Vegan and Don’t eat no Beef