It was a day amongst the many
He was feeling very heavy
In his mind soul inside
The rhyme’s they kept flowing
He didn’t even have to try
Some days they were like concrete on his step
Some others it was all about the next rep
In the gym he ratted on
Protein shakes were refined to upgrade his form
And a storm of thoughts and ideas sprang from that
Exercise is truly the one stop solution
For your whole mind body operating system
You need to get up from the couch
And quit being such a slouch
The fact is that if you don’t get any movement for a week
Your whole mind will be foggy and you will be like
A lost sheep in a dream
And that’s how many people live nowadays
From the car to the office chair and back
That will only get you sick and fat
So now let’s hone a better strategy for health
Those sports people might not have the wealth
Didn’t someone say wealth is health
When i was going through transformation in my life
I also watched that guy
The 7 day Vegan challenge
Became 7 years of plant based eating for me
Now i’m here to tell you about
I could almost shout it
That energy i had
I was almost brimming with that
And i channeled the powers inside of me
Into pursuits like my youtube channel
And my dreams
He was also the guy
Who gave the encouragement to start my own channel
Buy a parker pen
Things of sorts
Now after 7 years
I’m still kind of short
On that wealth
And my health is also in shambles
But in my life i was so desperate
I was willing to play such a gamble
And even now i feel like a winner
So we will see how this year will play out
And if i will ever become a millionaire
I’m sure that some people are gonna get their donation coming in
Because philanthropy it’s in my bones
I’ve given alot that’s why karma supplied me with these clothes
You’ve got no clue but it was a long way
So hop on the Truth Detective band wagon
I’ve got a hell of a steam
Under my tracks like a train i clack
On the better time’s and i don’t even anymore have a iphone
Or a MAC