It was the end of the winter time
The snows were melting
And the Detective was dancing
Really it was no dance at all
But a intelligence gathering plane
Flying under your radar
In these times of great smog
Some had speculated that they spray on us
Nasty Chemicals
Heavy metals and such
Causing our brains to go in fogs
When algoritms are set in place
To stop the truth from coming out
You can be rest assured
That the status quo
Is afraid of the underground
And like a landscape
Into another world you will see
There are powers at be
Who want to make you forget
Even your dreams
Yank out your teeth
And make us all silent
Eventough we clearly could speak
Against the evil of the empire
This is what you should towards aspire
I’m not here only to inspire
If that comes about then great
Wrong things can be inspired too
Like hate
Against the obvious answer you have to set the scale
Feather against the gold
Who knows how your life will unfold
When you become too attached to roles
And you forget the X
You end up wasting a bunch of time
And for your anxiety they prescribe
Because of that you sleep shallow
Do this enough time’s
You start making very stupid decisions in life
Instead we go for the natural path
It’s Truth Detective
I’m not even capable of being sad
Forget the distinctions of sane and mad
In human life we’ve all been had
Played more than being the players
Gamed more than being the gamers
And now we have to back what is ours
Even if it might require
Tons of practice hours
And as a last note
Today i skipped taking showers
That’s why i have these magical powers