This LONELY man he NOT A TEAM PLAYER more of a DREAMER and if you just give him ample space A HEALER
There was not an inkling o doubt in her mind
This was the man she had been searching for all her life
And the sun was setting over the horizon the sky
Into the powder of snow it turned and rhymed
The price was now half off
And she had been asked to stop
What ever she was doing right now
And pay attention to the nature around
Leaps and bounds did he make
In a short time while crossing the lake
This was the 50th take
In the movie the scene
And the director was getting angry at me
”Can’t you get it right?” He yelled
I’m gonna do it alone
And become a youtuber instead
I decided in that moment
Working with others it’s just not for me
It was the same with marriages
I was not a team player
I did what i felt like i could
And what could be done
Or used whatever was already there
That’s how it came to be
And because of that reason you follow this channel
Truth Detective
He had noticed that when you have to come into agreement
What we are going to do
It’s never going to get done
And eventough we were all one
We are still seemingly all alone
Atleast in this god forsaken finnish culture
The nature around though
It had it’s moments
Due to the light from the sun
That too was singular
It was not very thought out
How tree’s and rocks were placed
It was all random
Or so it seemed
GOD meanwhile had a reason for everything been
And she saw it in a dream
A vision of the past
With a matching world for this man
And she wondered how she could send him there
So he would arrive in one piece
Without a scar or a tear
But fear it had taken ahold of the land
And even the power seemed to slip away
From the most high and mighty men
It was no longer about who was at the top
And it seemed that the whole human life
It lacked more than manners
It lacked a plot
It might have been just because
Everyone in the land
Was touting their own horns
Looking after themselves
And not the other
They had teached the man how to solder
But still he was a loner
No self pity or allowing himself pleasure
He kept him self stoic and the things he couldn’t control
He deemed poisonous and it was better
To treasure in himself
The autonomy to be free
Eventough he was dependent on all things
Granted in life everything but rings
In itself to not go through that hole
But another into the the heavens abode
So he kept walking alone