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The Detective

Was threatened

By the no goods

Of the Society Around you

So he hopped on a train

To get messed into another place

Another time another town

This how we lived


From Town to Town

Gaining reputation

First as a clown

And through that

Someone would want to cast him out

And all the connections

Between individuals and ties

Would be revealed and he could get at the Truth

By telling you lies

And in that train

He dumped the contents of his mind

On the page of a notebook

But the story didn’t have a hook

So he took a look

Through the window

The countryside passing by

Meanwhile reflecting on his life

All the previous time’s

That the same pattern had repeated itself

Now what past by was the forest of the elves

He had become a new man
For the face’s of the new world

He was not conscious of the chirping birds

He thought too much to hear good

Most facts and figures passed him by

Like he was in the moving train of his mind

Behind his eyes

He was thinking about the modern time’s

The fast flow of information

The exhaustive pace of transportation

Between two points on the earth

You could travel faster than the flight of the bird

The law of the land had been

To respect the king and stay obedient

To laws and rules

But the Detective had collected enough clues

This was no civilized world

He had to relocate into the time of the western

It was just a bad move he thought in his mind

But through that he gained some valuable wisdom

Into the nature of the third eye

There he was hopping off the train

A new city a new town another plane

He wondered how many people would be hopping on his

Bandwagon like that

It was the night time when the train arrived

And on his head he had a fedora hat

Like in the past near a the port that smelled of fish

He noticed a guy by the trainstation in some kind of bliss

He asked what are you on about

And the man said i’m channeling the clouds

Channeling the clouds you say?
I think that together we should now pray

For a better day to come for both of us

Because i feel that you are just on drugs

That was one encounter among many

Thousand of people the Detective would meet and carry their worries heavy

At some point the weight would become too much

And he had to board on the buss

There had been a whole big fuss

About how he had become involved in the turkish rugs

Not meaning anything you put on the floor

And no longer was he even welcome in the towns cloisture store

He had befriended some whore’s

And when he looked at the bounty placed on his head

And the scores

We weighted the scales of feather and gold

Then he deemed

That for this kind of silliness

I’m just too old

And it was onwards with the train to the next town we go

Like an autistic kid playing with trains

Or spinning platters

The pattern kept repeating itself

Just with different type of face

It was a story for many

But what was never talked about

Was his social media profile’s

That were ready for the big game’s

Because for all those that hated the guy

There was atleast 100 more who liked his style

Just hit and running type of marketing ploys

Through his endeavors with powers at be he had gained himself

All the toys

Still yet he felt like he had no choice

But to keep continuing on his life

Magnifying and shaping his voice

And the voice was indeed powerful and strong

With this voice he could make your whole body move along

And it was not before long

Everyone had become conscious of this

The town had an undercover eye

The Truth Detective

What he could’t foresee yet though

Was how all towns cities even kingdoms and planet systems

Were all connected and there someone had followed him
Bandwagoning on his tail

Leaving behind a smoky trail

So he split himself in two

Being where you would have seen him move

In his own shadow casting it far and wide

He was talking directly into the murderers mind

I know exactly what is going on in your brain

There it’s like an empty train

Stalking for the prey

Thinking about his every move

And you run around with a knife in your hand

Looking for the person to blame for your silly life situation

Well i’ll tell you no one else in this train but you

So the next thing you do is act all cool
Eventough inside you fume

Like the trails that are left behind by those that run

Hide in the covers in the rise of the sun

It used to be fun

But nothing is left of that

All of your misfortune

It happened because you wore the wrong type of a hat

How silly is that

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  Do you know about John Dillinger?  He was a bank robber  in the 1920s a style man with the way and a gang that could even break out of Prisons. But why am I telling you about this man?  it's all related to the Buddhist idea of right livelihood, and John dillinger most certainly didn't have a right livelihood.    He even broke the basic rule of not stealing. And in the modern times many people have that  thought that you shouldn't take without giving something back even if what you give back is worse than money. And this is what contributes to the idea of honesty in the modern times. But the fact is that even though John Dillinger even murdered some police officers he might still  have caused Less trouble than some “honest” modern-day business entrepreneurs & companies. I have a vision for a fictional character that is a bank robber. The motives of this bank robber are  very different from John Dillinger though. This bank robber characte...


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Times in your life have you been fooled. I bet you have been fooled many times in your life. I'm not here to fool you though. I'm here to tell you the truth. The truth is that I can't tell you the truth. It's impossible to tell the truth. So why don't we just conjure up something better than the truth. Many writers have foreseen a future Worse than the present moment. I'm not that kind of a writer, I want to see a future better than the present. This future will be very swell, There will be instant transportation no need to go on a car anymore. In a sense we already have this with the internet, but physically we cannot move and for reals we can’t take our mind to another place with the internet. Or can we? In this future of mine we gain ability to move physically and mentally using the internet we can literally fit through the fiber optics that go around the planet. But there’s a price for this.  It's big business an...