YOU NEED TO HEAR ME! Our meals are NOT so HAPPY anymore because our towns became the THEATERS OF WAR
The remnants of a mind
Ripped like cloth
In between the breaths you take
The light shining inside
The isolated broth
Who dropped it in that soup
This is starting to seem like a coup
E into the D-A-T
When you in the helm of kingdom beware
Of the poisoners dream
We are a team
And when we move in this espionage mission
Like the navy seals
Through the covers of the night
No eyes but flashing fluorescent bullets fly
Night vision goggles
Searching for the bad guys
The real enemy inside
Not out there
But from the gunshots
The wise person
You would never hear
The end is near
You could never wish it fly past you
The uncle sam
Did not have your best at his pointing hand
And where did he want you to go
From this vantage point
In the mountain ranges we look down at the hole
Left by a bullet of relative velocity
Aimed at the caravan and leaving behind this
Minding your own business they were
In the land of the westerns
The movies and the glorified images of the hero’s with a closed minds
Your life’s destiny was painted not by the bad guys
But buy what you saw before in past lives
Now we try to go back and remember that
Up this staircase into the promised land
As you descend up
You gain armor power and prestige
Armed to the core
Say good bye to the human species
This is a new age
Brains in vats
No longer can you even see any rats
Nor bats, nor baseball
This is why we formed the hateful four
Our first target was to hit the grocery store
Think about it
Next time you see that multinational brand
Think about the guys who got the land
To eat MRI’S like in AFGHANISTAN
They didn’t brand it like that
By accident
All the meals not so happy anymore
When they arrived on this land
And our towns became the theaters of war
Near and far shots were heard
Endless convoys mercenaries and tears
Gassed out of apartments were the last ones
This one was written by Truth Detective from the Finlands
You might be one of the survivors to hear this
Think of yourself as the neo from the matrix
And me the scorpio maybe morphio
My name hitted up with morphine to kill the pain of momentary gain
It’s not so simple as to call the virtuality
Because this place of your birth right
It was certified
Specific to you
Attached with meaning to your body mind
And now your brain is ready to be transposed
Not disposed
Or imposed
But planted into where it can be freed
From the limitations of having a body
And living in a society