Amongst the many
There was someone ready
For the next stage in the evolution of men
In his hand the only tool was a fountain pen
You could have predicted him to be great
From regular hours of work
Always late
On missing days
He was preparing for his better plays
He had now made a place
For himself in life
Yet though everything seemed
To crumble apart
From the ash he built up a fortress anew
Where he took hold of the reigns and turned the snow
The stars and the Kings into gold and blue
It was the symbolism that made a deep impact
And this was the next stage in his pact
Who ever but himself knew that
Would be blessed by the welfare system
The old king would have agreed with none of this
But now the new era had come
And if there was even an inkling of hope in the land
It was to trust in the intuitions of the artist and jesters alike
Maybe this kind of expansive exploration of mind
Was not for the feint of heart
Still he crafted it all to mold around with the rhyme
And reached for the stars
Far and wide we now spread the new
May the old be deemed no good
Adopting new technologies too fast
Not thinking about if they can last
IT will only make us fall prey to enemies made
In the image of just those
Who were so desperate to invent this insane game
Here we were given names
And our value to society based on what we can do
It was never really about becoming understood
Or achieving more than basic necessities and food
But i dared to dream bigger
I was not going to live like nigger
I dared to dream for a better life
And i was willing to pay the price
There was only so much i could on my own
I was not willing to become just another clone
Tied to his or her smartphone
Typing meaningless comments
Or clicking dislikes
Your type’s
You are empty minds
Addicted to pleasure and flashing lights
Your kind you are just empty minds