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Amongst the many

There was someone ready

For the next stage in the evolution of men

In his hand the only tool was a fountain pen

You could have predicted him to be great

From regular hours of work

Always late

On missing days

He was preparing for his better plays

He had now made a place

For himself in life

Yet though everything seemed

To crumble apart

From the ash he built up a fortress anew

Where he took hold of the reigns and turned the snow

The stars and the Kings into gold and blue

It was the symbolism that made a deep impact

And this was the next stage in his pact

Who ever but himself knew that

Would be blessed by the welfare system

The old king would have agreed with none of this

But now the new era had come

And if there was even an inkling of hope in the land

It was to trust in the intuitions of the artist and jesters alike

Maybe this kind of expansive exploration of mind

Was not for the feint of heart

Still he crafted it all to mold around with the rhyme

And reached for the stars

Far and wide we now spread the new

May the old be deemed no good

Adopting new technologies too fast

Not thinking about if they can last

IT will only make us fall prey to enemies made

In the image of just those

Who were so desperate to invent this insane game

Here we were given names

And our value to society based on what we can do

It was never really about becoming understood

Or achieving more than basic necessities and food

But i dared to dream bigger

I was not going to live like nigger

I dared to dream for a better life

And i was willing to pay the price

There was only so much i could on my own

I was not willing to become just another clone

Tied to his or her smartphone

Typing meaningless comments

Or clicking dislikes

Your type’s

You are empty minds

Addicted to pleasure and flashing lights

Your kind you are just empty minds

Tämän blogin suosituimmat tekstit


  Do you know about John Dillinger?  He was a bank robber  in the 1920s a style man with the way and a gang that could even break out of Prisons. But why am I telling you about this man?  it's all related to the Buddhist idea of right livelihood, and John dillinger most certainly didn't have a right livelihood.    He even broke the basic rule of not stealing. And in the modern times many people have that  thought that you shouldn't take without giving something back even if what you give back is worse than money. And this is what contributes to the idea of honesty in the modern times. But the fact is that even though John Dillinger even murdered some police officers he might still  have caused Less trouble than some “honest” modern-day business entrepreneurs & companies. I have a vision for a fictional character that is a bank robber. The motives of this bank robber are  very different from John Dillinger though. This bank robber characte...


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Times in your life have you been fooled. I bet you have been fooled many times in your life. I'm not here to fool you though. I'm here to tell you the truth. The truth is that I can't tell you the truth. It's impossible to tell the truth. So why don't we just conjure up something better than the truth. Many writers have foreseen a future Worse than the present moment. I'm not that kind of a writer, I want to see a future better than the present. This future will be very swell, There will be instant transportation no need to go on a car anymore. In a sense we already have this with the internet, but physically we cannot move and for reals we can’t take our mind to another place with the internet. Or can we? In this future of mine we gain ability to move physically and mentally using the internet we can literally fit through the fiber optics that go around the planet. But there’s a price for this.  It's big business an...