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Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on marraskuu, 2023.


My name is Monero. I might sound like I'm from Brazil but really I'm a British man. And being a British man I know how to value tea over anything else. Tea is life, Tea is what makes me wild. And I have a friend that always comes to my house on thursdays to have tea with me. My friend is a Real Enthusiast you can be rest assured that he will find the best tea on the whole planet for you. This time though when he came around what he brought with him was certainly not tea, we ended up hallucinating for the next 8 hours after drinking the stuff. It was travesty but at the same time kind of cool. The friend’s name was Patrick. He had other Hobbies on top of collecting and ingesting hallucinatory plants. One of his Hobbies was toy trains, And he had a train track that was built to go around his house and he had even named the different train stops with hilarious names. Stop one was called Atheism Stop two Buddhism Stop tree Christianity Stop four Satanism Patrick's hobby ...


            Have you ever witnessed an avalanche? The sheer power of snow pummeling to you from the Mountaintop. I was there when the avalanche happened and I survived through that. I believe that you can also survive through things that kind of resemble the Avalanche. I wouldn't tell you the story if it wasn't for the man that rescued me to his hut near the base of the mountain when the avalanche hit. Luckily he had been preparing for this end of days situation for years and he had an underground safe house dug under his mountain hut. Nothing survived of the hut that was above the ground though when the avalanche hit it. The name of the man that saved me from the Avalanche was Lucius. He was kind of mad, but I had to overlook that in those circumstances. We went on an exhibition one morning with Lucius towards the opposite Mountain where the Avalanche had come from, after the snow had settled and we had dug our way out ...


I have no idea why my parents named me Solana. Maybe they wanted me to invent and change the world with a new solar panel technology. Quite a heavy demand to place on their child. But that's exactly what ended up happening, I found the Solana Enterprises solar panel technology company. If we go back in time to the startup days of this new Solana company i can say that it felt like a completely hopeless endeavor, and nobody believed that there was any sense in this new renewable energy technology, let alone that we could accomplish to manufacture these solar panels and make them affordable. We also had a lot of competition and segregation and diversity in the marketplace for these kind of renewable energy solutions. I didn't believe it myself those days that we would succeed but I had been in the Sun a couple of times, actually quite a lot of times and I knew that the Sun was a technology in itself and we just had to learn to connect to that technology. Let's jump forw...


They were dangerous days; the streets were filled with low lives geared up in Bulletproof vests. And It wasn't just perceived danger, it was real Danger. But there was one man who enjoyed this danger. His name was danger Danny. Danger Danny was born to parents that were both alcoholic and abusive as a young man Danny fled home from the Outback to the Danger Town, and in the city  Danger Danny gathered around him a gang. Danger Danny felt that he couldn't be part of the civilized society so he devised ways to make illegal income through his gang. These Ways of making illegal income included drug dealing,  loansharking and of course bank robbing  It didn't take long for Truth Detective to hear about this new gangster boss and his gang in Danger town. Truth Detective didn't actually want to catch this criminal though, but to help him and maybe get danger Danny on his side in the process. And through his information Network he had gathered th...


I'm tired of this planet. We have to devise way to get out of here. And we have to device this way fast. I want to leave this planet FAST. And that's just the problem with the modern world. Everything is becoming so fast. Your internet connection is getting faster the pizza arrives faster when you order it online and the cars are getting faster and everything you have to accomplish faster and faster than in the past. But are we really making progress by Increasing speed in everything that we do? I feel that we are actually not making much progress or we might be actually regressing. Let's slow everything down now to 50% The train you are in is going 50% slower than couple of moments ago. Do you notice the hair of that women sitting beside you? Isn't she beautiful? How you notice that she is breathing kind of slow. And then a bullet hits the subway window from the outside. She ducks to take cover and you go out of your body to fly between the skyscrapers to ...


The world was coming to an end and the United States was looking at the value of dollars going down and down until it was almost worth nothing. The streets were rampant with violent crime, drug addicts and murder. Death bodies were found every day and if you didn't have an army load of guns, ammunition and a storage of food you would be dead in no time. The Stench of burning bodies on the streets was nauseating and you could get shot by a sniper from any Corner possible. There was one man though that tried to play the law in this God forsaken land and at the same time survive himself. The man's name was Truth Detective. The Fedora wearing Detective Looking like he belonged in the 1920s. Truth Detective also had a friend named Black Hat but they hadn't met in a long time. Black Hat Truth Detective’s old friend was still huddled all day in his bunker; he was trying to build a new “monetary system”,  or that's at least what he called it, to bring some order in...


You would never believe that it's possible to give loans to drug addicts and get that loan money back. You would never believe that it's possible but Truth Detective and his Black Hat friend devised a way to do this on the Deep Web. They did this by giving cryptocurrency loans against the private information of the drug addict on Deep Web Service that they built. And if that addict didn't pay the loan with the interest, Truth Detective and the Black Hat would take the private information of the drug addict to the Police and the addict would get caught. The funny thing is that most of those drug addicts paid their loans and the interest and those who didn't got caught and the police paid little sums of “Goodwill money”,  for this Innovative genius duo of Truth Detective and the Black Hat for helping the cops the catch those criminals. When you got on the loan website on your deep web browser you would be asked to make an account, and you would give your private informati...


We have to be really careful over here so we don't get caught. And in the illegal business of drug dealing on the Deep Web the people that are actually doing those deals of thousand bars of Xanax at the time or 500 G of speed know this. “We have to be really careful so we don't get caught”, Repeat this to yourself the Black Hat said to Truth Detective. “We're gonna snatch those monies of those dealer guys like lollipops out of kid's hands and make them cry for f*** sake”, The Black Hat said, and blank banged on the keyboard commands to the terminal. Truth Detective didn't actually understand what Black Hat was doing; he wasn't that versed in computers but he understood that the man was doing something important and that money would ensue out of this.    They were huddled in the bunker and in the outside world it was the coldest time of the winter when finally Black hat got in to the account of an illegal Deep Web drug dealer. There he had a...


  Do you know about John Dillinger?  He was a bank robber  in the 1920s a style man with the way and a gang that could even break out of Prisons. But why am I telling you about this man?  it's all related to the Buddhist idea of right livelihood, and John dillinger most certainly didn't have a right livelihood.    He even broke the basic rule of not stealing. And in the modern times many people have that  thought that you shouldn't take without giving something back even if what you give back is worse than money. And this is what contributes to the idea of honesty in the modern times. But the fact is that even though John Dillinger even murdered some police officers he might still  have caused Less trouble than some “honest” modern-day business entrepreneurs & companies. I have a vision for a fictional character that is a bank robber. The motives of this bank robber are  very different from John Dillinger though. This bank robber characte...