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Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on helmikuu, 2025.


  It was a day amongst the many He was feeling very heavy In his mind soul inside The rhyme’s they kept flowing He didn’t even have to try Some days they were like concrete on his step Some others it was all about the next rep In the gym he ratted on Protein shakes were refined to upgrade his form And a storm of thoughts and ideas sprang from that Exercise is truly the one stop solution For your whole mind body operating system You need to get up from the couch And quit being such a slouch The fact is that if you don’t get any movement for a week Your whole mind will be foggy and you will be like A lost sheep in a dream And that’s how many people live nowadays From the car to the office chair and back That will only get you sick and fat So now let’s hone a better strategy for health Those sports people might not have the wealth Didn’t someone say wealth is health When i was going through transformation...


  It was the end of the winter time The snows were melting And the Detective was dancing Really it was no dance at all But a intelligence gathering plane Flying under your radar In these times of great smog Some had speculated that they spray on us Nasty Chemicals Heavy metals and such Causing our brains to go in fogs When algoritms are set in place To stop the truth from coming out You can be rest assured That the status quo Is afraid of the underground And like a landscape Into another world you will see There are powers at be Who want to make you forget Even your dreams Yank out your teeth And make us all silent Eventough we clearly could speak Against the evil of the empire This is what you should towards aspire I’m not here only to inspire If that comes about then great Wrong things can be inspired too Like hate Against the obvious answer you have to set the scale ...

YOU NEED TO HEAR ME! Our meals are NOT so HAPPY anymore because our towns became the THEATERS OF WAR

  The remnants of a mind Ripped like cloth In between the breaths you take The light shining inside The isolated broth Who dropped it in that soup This is starting to seem like a coup E into the D-A-T When you in the helm of kingdom beware Of the poisoners dream We are a team And when we move in this espionage mission Like the navy seals Through the covers of the night No eyes but flashing fluorescent bullets fly Night vision goggles Searching for the bad guys The real enemy inside Not out there But from the gunshots The wise person You would never hear The end is near You could never wish it fly past you The uncle sam Did not have your best at his pointing hand And where did he want you to go From this vantage point In the mountain ranges we look down at the hole Left by a bullet of relative velocity Aimed at the caravan and leaving behind this Atrocity Minding your ow...

NOW we turn the SHIP around, raising the sail for a better land to be FOUND

  It was a day Of hopeless ponderings We had been wondering Through the pages Leaving behind middle ages And time’s of great despair Had seeped into the fabric Of everything that was Before you knew it I was your new boss We had been working at a loss And now was time to turn the ship around Raising the sail for a better land to be found We would keep on the try until the morning light Maybe a sound Of the trumpets from the signaling victory to us We would take all the time needed There was no fuss Some people they boarded on the buss The morning light had come and someone was stuck in the rush Now the hour passed All the cars were jammed There like stones of graves Living the cut and dry life It was the nature of the game Alternatives were not seeked until forced to do so Eventough they had gifts You could hear no chimes of bells or Ho Ho’s So now you follow My train of thou...


This train Board you to hell Does that ring any bell? The levels of it like stairs These are nightmares You can no longer wake up from How to save yourself And your hopeless soul This is the mystery of afterlife The time for you to see is now ripe The devil of this world Surrounding you and taking hold of much of human kind It has double reason for wanting to rot away your mind First to make you a slave here on planet earth Second to make you afraid of transcending up from the herds And there’s a third reason too Because in the afterlife if he loses the reign over you You might actually see that the devil Was no never powerful at all Not powerful at all So in this moment now Ponder really deep the nature of evil and where it plants it’s seed In the mind first then the body follows after Soon you have turned from a good man into a real bastard You might deem that using a bit of mustard here Or drinking a bit o...

No pickles without the cheese you need, When the one above you on the corporate ladder you feed.

  These day’s No more split screen we have Everyone alone sitting Plugged into their internet connections And nostalgia It’s dangerous Because when you deem the past better than this Even with the aimbot You might still miss This is Our opportunity to shine Start a new chapter in our life How we did things in the past It will never last Cause tomorrow and yesterday They might be connected With invisible hands See now how this tree bend in the wind And remember how in some old game You used to a specific button to function bind This is masking Of the old with the new You might call it the next generation Living in the dream those who chose the Pill that was blue They don’t got a clue So don’t be a fool today If there’s a game worthy to play It might not be out there yet Maybe something you can invent While staying in your bed Cause depression keeps you down Maybe who’s t...

ACCESS the internet in THE AGE OF ANCIENT ROME in your SLEEP.

  ACCESS the internet in THE AGE OF ANCIENT ROME in your SLEEP. The alley was sand and dry There was walking a man with the cane In his life From the middle spreading of the age Really it was just some ink on the page And the night it was late Some stars in the sky You can imagine that i’m too lazy to describe To Describe And he had hired a scribe With a very powerful and imaginitive mind And able to gather information from the deep With the scribe it was like he accesing The internet in the age of ancient rome in his sleep All bells and whistles were now gone Just some black and white text How far have we gone From those time’s of the first printing press To this age of anime waifus and continous stress In that era if you wanted to find yourself There were the philosophers you could consult But beware if you insult Or anger the gods from high There’s so many of them you won’t got a chan...

Proper punctuation and GRAMMAR. Sometimes the RIGHT NAIL is not made for the HAMMER.

  ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This is not my first novel But it’s the first line If you think about your lifetime Then you might be able to see That the end and beginning are one in kind Let’s forget what was said back in the days behind Of how what came shall return When the pages turn And the images and icons burn One by one they drop from your smartphone screen And on your desktop computer wallpaper Only words you will now see -------------------------------------------------------------------- There were big windows in the house He wanted to expand and made contract With the powers at be Meanwhile his kids were barely hanging in there They were a sleep And nowhere around was there a sound Opportunities they were null in this town And he felt his time on planet earth was coming to a halt ------------------------------------------------------------------------...

IN FINLAND the winter lasts 4 to 5 months, today i didn't eat a BREAKFAST or a LUNCH.

  I don’t like to smile And from this spot i’ll fly Onwards to a better time You look at the sunlight And how it filters through The snow and tree bark that’s cool We got more to worry than this When the heavens turn blue The stars and stripes make an alliance with the Brits And an agent is sent To eavesdrop on them enemies These videos are trending so now let’s work on our strategies The path to victory Is rocky and rough You either play your cards right Or you bluff Believe that you got the stuff We bring it out behind the cloud And even if your parents are not proud Of what you became Remember so what was yesterday will never be the same Now give thumbs up for that It’s Truth Detective from Finland Here the winter lasts 4 to 5 months You need a big wardrobe and i didn’t eat a breakfast or a lunch Here in the forest the mind get’s clarified Visionary dreams will flow into your mind ...


  Amongst the many There was someone ready For the next stage in the evolution of men In his hand the only tool was a fountain pen You could have predicted him to be great From regular hours of work Always late On missing days He was preparing for his better plays He had now made a place For himself in life Yet though everything seemed To crumble apart Inside From the ash he built up a fortress anew Where he took hold of the reigns and turned the snow The stars and the Kings into gold and blue It was the symbolism that made a deep impact And this was the next stage in his pact Who ever but himself knew that Would be blessed by the welfare system The old king would have agreed with none of this But now the new era had come And if there was even an inkling of hope in the land It was to trust in the intuitions of the artist and jesters alike Maybe this kind of expansive exploration of mind ...

The age of CANNIBALISM comes when we are TONED DOWN by the Propylene GLYCOL and LUCIFER'S OCCULTISM.

In the land of the shadows He was pulled Back in each direction at the same time And the lights they had cast upon the Purple red sky There amongst the clouds of PG ufo’s flied Sprayed Unkown agents in air Caused braincells to die an alzhaimers disease Aint’ that fair There was a detective who wanted to blow a whistle on this In what kind of a sacred laboratory were they cooking it These workers they were like marionets Their strings pulled and made to do the bidding of the masters The elite’s Behind bulletproof windows and walls they conjured up evil plans Now the Detective though Had gathered enough evidence And then he’s phone rang That a new technology had been invented That could make the the poisonous air seen by the eye May it be on the church yard Or the sky The Law abiding They didn’t have a clue What was being done to their mind And out of sight from the preying eyes The ABC’S of life W...

This LONELY man he NOT A TEAM PLAYER more of a DREAMER and if you just give him ample space A HEALER

  There was not an inkling o doubt in her mind This was the man she had been searching for all her life And the sun was setting over the horizon the sky Into the powder of snow it turned and rhymed The price was now half off And she had been asked to stop What ever she was doing right now And pay attention to the nature around Leaps and bounds did he make In a short time while crossing the lake This was the 50th take In the movie the scene And the director was getting angry at me ”Can’t you get it right?” He yelled I’m gonna do it alone And become a youtuber instead I decided in that moment Collaboration Working with others it’s just not for me It was the same with marriages I was not a team player I did what i felt like i could And what could be done Or used whatever was already there That’s how it came to be And because of that reason you follow this channel Truth Detective He had n...


There was a frozen lake And through the ice You could see a whale It was not moving, frozen and Brooding, Worrying about it’s state A Frozen lake There i ended finding myself Wondering if the ice could stand my pain So i made it To the other side Of the frozen lake In the end to tell you Something about how to spot a real from fake I gained the ability because i crossed that Frozen lake From nothing he can go Into something On the other side for the aspiring The one on the search In the snow storm You can deem him a nerd But really there’s no one to see His digging of the gold And waiting for someone notice indeed That he got a dream But really where have you been All these years while i was searching Who was that who was teaching Upwards we are now reaching And the stars be shining on the lake But the man inside the barrel or the cannon Cannot be getting rid of his imposter syndrome And ...


It was the century long gone The history books they been left unopened We hadn’t learned on the way And now the history kept repeating itself Like we were named After those that were atrocious More and more of life was about what was delicious And pleasure it was what these bodies seeked Afterall of that They woke up from a dream They couldn’t remember anything that had happened Some of them had forgotten how to speak So they stammered, hum’d and hawd Most of the said that they were bored Endlessly they had been catered to by stimulating content All of sudden it came to a halt and there was only the words And they were on the page Not making any sense This was not like their video games And in living that era The writers mind had become dull It was skipping all over the place And he kept rambling on even on the page There was a hole in the hull of the ship But the man didn’t even notice it He’s motion only...


The Detective Was threatened By the no goods Of the Society Around you So he hopped on a train To get messed into another place Another time another town This how we lived Moving From Town to Town Gaining reputation First as a clown And through that Someone would want to cast him out And all the connections Between individuals and ties Would be revealed and he could get at the Truth By telling you lies And in that train He dumped the contents of his mind On the page of a notebook But the story didn’t have a hook So he took a look Through the window The countryside passing by Meanwhile reflecting on his life All the previous time’s That the same pattern had repeated itself Now what past by was the forest of the elves He had become a new man For the face’s of the new world He was not conscious of the chirping birds He thought too much to hear good Most facts and figures passed him by Lik...


  Jeah Jeah Joka päivä Ku mä tähä penkkii Istu Ja Avaa mu aarre kirstu Nyt on aika voittaa Nyt on aika voittaa Nyt on aika voittaa Ku mä oon radalla Ei mua voi tavoittaa Ku mä koitan voittaa Ei mua tavoittaa Ei mua voi voittaa Kaiken mitä haluut voit sä rahalla saada Mut voithan sä silti koittaa Raatamalla Uhkaamalla Valittamalla Työtä painamalla Mut mä oon silti radalla Nyt en meinaa mitä formulaa Enkä mitää parittajaa Vaa tarinan kertojaa Ja sen takii satun mä aina voittamaa Ku ei oo ketää mun lisäks täällä Koittamas Nyt on aika voittaa Nyt on aika voittaa Nyt on aika voittaa Puolittanu itteni Nii aurinkosel ku sadesäällä Ja ei oo ketää mun lisäks kaduil näillä Koutsaamas teikäläisii Huippu urheilijat reenaamas sadesäillä Kaduilla näillä ei ketää Ei meil oo aikaa nytte lepää Tulin mä muutaki ku tyylipisteitä kerää Valmis seuraavaa erää Nyt on aika...


  Jeah Jeah Jeah Totuus Etsivä Ollaa taas ysärillä Hirvee jysäri Päätä särkee Monella ku olivat eilen taas radalla Sanon mä kaikki samal viivalla Meinaa oravan pyörässä tääl Nopeimmat ekan hautaan selviää Totuus Etsivä tääl Toistan mun nimeä ku dementias takia et muista yhtää mitää enää Tyyli meijä niinku on italian mafia Dementias takia Et muista enää mitää Mut kyl se taas siitä selviää Sekottaakseen Pakkaa uudestaa Mitkä kortit elämässä piruileimaan Jos näitä saatanoita päästää sisää Nii niit ei sieltä helpolla häädetäkkää enää Jos näitä saatanoita päästät sisääs Nii niitä ei sieltä helpolla häädetäkkää enää Nyt seuraavaa erää ja meijä höyhen sarjan mestari Ja raskaan sarja mies jolle kilahti äske tekstari Et on taas tuotetta tarjolla Lähti sitä hakemaa suojaten itteää Sateenvarjolla Vaik aurinko paisto kirkkaalta taivaalta Husleri ruotsin laivalta Soitteli että tehtii s...

Through the storms In ships without ends The whole of space and time It bends

  Through the storms In ships without ends The whole of space and time It bends Modern time’s Letters are sent But never destinations are reached And your rules of right The wrong they are breached Like security protocols The man, he is back in controls Flying through the airs Nightmare’s Just skipping the rocks over your staircase Taking ownership of what is not And the season is becoming now hot Say good bye to winter time It’s time to let in the light To let in the light And very soon we will see What the man has been thinking about in his mind The publisher will be seeing that rhyme And thinking there’s no other guy Who can pull out that in such a short time But it’s not about the haste We have to give them more than a taste A full course meal Serve it on platters color teal What matters is that it heals Not steals You of energy and vitality so So now let’s sow The seed f...

She said i should focus on grooming Not on my computers watercooling

Polished and blooming She said i should focus on grooming Not on my computers watercooling Nor about how many fans i got But my place in the underworld Where the hardened Criminals roam Maybe i had gone into a coma Because now i found myself in a room surrounded by foam What is this place i asked Nobody was there to answer So i split myself in two Making those two sides very different from each other When called to arms i said Why bother? We all the one anyway That’s insanity of the highest name Warring over small differences And many game’s were made To simulate To stimulate And when time’s had passed them by To emulate To emulate

I don’t want to paint a picture in your mind Writing for me Is a way to let my imagination go wild

  I don’t want to paint a picture in your mind Writing for me Is a way to let my imagination go wild Playing around In my mind There i see these old fashioned gas lights Wooden crates Why would i try to use words to describe? I can rhyme them to prescribe You the healing agent for a better time If i could share what i see to you I think you would pay me really good Now my writing does not even pay me for the food Or for the roof Have to rely on wellfare Maybe i should build a writing shed A place to be with my craft I had to change my style so many time’s on the way And i’m from Finland But in the end i guess i found how to make a train Out of symbols An owl Out of end rhyme’s As i said I had to change my style So many time’s

A lost ghost in the attic

  A lost ghost in the attic ------------------------------------------------------------ In the attic There was a ghost The ghost was so lost In his small mind And behind of his eyes From the good old time’s He was meeting some people They probably would not like What he had become He was stunned Helpless and weak He couldn’t no longer even speak With the pen and the ink For hours he would think He catches on to a story Maybe few words that go together And it starts to grow He used to be very fast now he is old Slow and walking with a cane From Life to Death He pulls a sword from the sheath

I’m working even when i sleep

  I’m working even when i sleep We hitting the zone that’s so deep If your not reading enough Your mind is going to be like white bread just fluff And Even if everything i told you was just lies Keep your habits focused onwards to the better time’s It’s a hybrid of a poem and a speech with some rhyme’s Quitting before you even started That’s a lame way to live your life Well make it motivational for those guys And don’t take that back Until i have gotten a chance To write a hit with my hands Don’t take that back Focused until you hit the shack Now discovering more colors than the black We need to get back on track Regain our focus On what matters most We can think about that again when we migrate the host Life though It’s not some video game You probably can’t respawn If you get hit by a train Tracking pain It’s better than be tracking the time Because you take a break When nothing yo...

It's a rare skill, so we should be applying some strategy to get them to know the name.

Freestyling to everyone all the time. Going to record that lyric on a new mic. Talking to everyone and pushing, asking questions getting to know. Not finding a studio, place to practice or anyone in the game. It's a rare skill, so we should be applying some strategy to get them to know the name. Get young people inspired to rap too. We don’t want them get mixed in drugs. That’s no good. Also met a real fucked up dude. From GERMANY he was good in RHYMING but couldn’t rap for shit. Tried to make some of my own beats but they were bullshit. Writing so much stuff but nothing feeling like a hit. So what i’m doing until i get that new mic Is taking this shit to the streets And trying to find some inspiration But all i find is weed And people without anything to say indeed Silenced up the souls They just playing bullshit role’s One is a cop the other one a thief I guess i’m different Vegan and Don’t eat no Beef